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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - clap


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(claps, clapping, clapped) 1. When you clap, you hit your hands together to show appreciation or attract attention. The men danced and the women clapped... Midge clapped her hands, calling them back to order... Londoners came out on to the pavement to wave and clap the marchers. VERB: V, V n, V n • Clap is also a noun. Let’s give the children a big clap. N-SING: a N 2. If you clap your hand or an object onto something, you put it there quickly and firmly. I clapped a hand over her mouth. VERB: V n prep 3. A clap of thunder is a sudden and loud noise of thunder. N-COUNT: N of n 4. to clap eyes on someone: see eye
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   I. verb  (~ped; also ~t; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen, from Old English cl?ppan to throb; akin to Old High German klaphon to beat  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to strike (as two flat hard surfaces) together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise  2.  a. to strike (the hands) together repeatedly usually in applause  b. applaud  3. to strike with the flat of the hand in a friendly way ~ped his friend on the shoulder  4. to place, put, or set especially energetically ~ him into jail since I first ~ped eyes on it  5. to improvise or build hastily a hut ~ped together from old plywood  intransitive verb  1. to produce a percussive sound; especially slam  2. to go abruptly or briskly  3. applaud  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1. a device that makes a ~ping noise  2. obsolete a sudden stroke of fortune and especially ill fortune  3. a loud percussive noise; specifically a sudden crash of thunder  4.  a. a sudden blow  b. a friendly slap a ~ on the back  5. the sound of ~ping hands; especially applause  III. noun  Etymology: Middle French ~oir bubo  Date: 1587 gonorrhea — often used with the ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v. (clapped, clapping) 1 a intr. strike the palms of one's hands together as a signal or repeatedly as applause. b tr. strike (the hands) together in this way. 2 tr. applaud or show one's approval of (esp. a person) in this way. 3 tr. (of a bird) flap (its wings) audibly. 4 tr. put or place quickly or with determination (clapped him in prison; clap a tax on whisky). --n. 1 the act of clapping, esp. as applause. 2 an explosive sound, esp. of thunder. 3 a slap, a pat. Phrases and idioms clap eyes on colloq. see. clap on the back = slap on the back. clapped out Brit. sl. worn out (esp. of machinery etc.); exhausted. Etymology: OE clappian throb, beat, of imit. orig. 2. n. coarse sl. venereal disease, esp. gonorrhoea. Etymology: OF clapoir venereal bubo ...
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  1. хлопанье, хлопок clap of hands —- рукоплескания 2. pl. хлопки, аплодисменты 3. удар (грома) 4. шлепок; шлепанье (добродушное); похлопывание (в знак одобрения) he greeted me with a clap on the shoulder —- в знак приветствия он хлопнул меня по плечу Id: at a clap —- одним ударом, одним разом Id: in a clap —- внезапно, в одно мгновение, в мгновение ока 5. хлопать; аплодировать, рукоплескать the audience clapped the violinist —- публика наградила скрипача аплодисментами the teacher clapped to attract her class's attention —- учительница хлопнула в ладоши, чтобы привлечь внимание учеников 6. хлопать (дверями, крыльями) to clap the lid of a chest to —- захлопнуть крышку сундука 7. делать резкое движение, рывок to clap spurs to one's horse —- пришпорить коня, дать шпоры коню to clap a hat on one's head —- нахлобучить шляпу 8. похлопать to clap on the shoulder —- (одобрительно) похлопать по плечу 9. разг. упрятать, загнать (куда-л) to clap into prison —- упечь в тюрьму Id: to clap hold of smb. —- (грубо) схватить кого-л Id: to clap eyes on smb. —- увидеть кого-л Id: I've never clapped eyes on him —- я его никогда и в глаза не видал Id: to clap one's dish at the wrong man's door —- просить милостыню не у той двери; не на такого напасть 10. груб. триппер ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  in посадить кого-л. в тюрьму The two thieves were clapped into prison. CLAP I  1. noun  1) хлопанье; хлопок  2) удар (грома)  3) = clapper  2. v.  1) хлопать, аплодировать the audience clapped the singer - публика аплодировала певцу - clap out  2) хлопать (дверями, крыльями и т.п.) to clap the lid of a box to - захлопнуть крышку сундука  3) похлопать to clap smb. on the back - похлопывать кого-л. по плечу  4) coll. упрятать, упечь (in) - clap in prison  5) надвигать (быстро или энергично); налагать to clap duties on goods - облагать товары пошлиной to clap a hat on ones head - нахлобучить шляпу - clap in - clap into - clap on - clap to - clap together - clap up to clap eyes on smb. coll. - увидеть, заметить кого-л. II rude  1. noun триппер  2. v. заразить триппером CLAP up to clap up (a bargain, match, peace) поспешно, наспех заключить (сделку, брак, мир) CLAP together делать что-л. в спешке The actors clapped together a stage so that they could have somewhere to perform. CLAP to громко хлопать (дверью) The door clapped to. The girl clapped the door to as she left. CLAP out хлопать в ладоши в такт The children clapped out a regular time while the teacher played the tune. CLAP on  а) быстро надевать что-л. He clapped on his hat and ran out of the house.  б) делать резкое движение, рывок The driver clapped on the brakes but failed to stop in time.  в) naut. приводить в действие, использовать The captain ordered his men to clap on more sail.  г) похлопывать He clapped his old friend on the shoulder in greeting.  д) to clap on to smb....
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v clapped, clapping 1 to hit your hands together loudly and continuously to show that you enjoyed a performance or that you approve of something  (The crowd roared with approval and clapped.) 2 clap your hands a) to hit your hands together loudly and continuously to show that you approve, agree, or have enjoyed something b) to hit your hands together to attract someone's attention or to stop them doing something  (She clapped her hands and shouted, -Rosie, stop that now!-) 3 clap sb on the back/shoulder etc to hit someone lightly with your open hand in a friendly way or to show that you are amused 4 clap eyes on BrE informal to suddenly see someone or something  (Until this morning I'd never clapped eyes on him.) 5 clap your hand on/over etc to put your hand somewhere quickly and suddenly  (Babs clapped her hand over her mouth saying, -My God, I think I left the oven on.-) 6 clap hold of to take hold of someone or something suddenly  (I clapped hold of him by the shoulder and pushed him out of the front door.) 7 clap sb in prison/jail/irons to suddenly put someone in prison or chains - clapping n ~2 n 1 a sudden loud sound that you make when you hit your hands together, especially to show that you enjoyed something or that you agree  (give sb a clap BrE)  (Come on everyone let's give Tommy a clap.) 2 a clap on the back/shoulder an act of hitting someone on the back or shoulder to show that you are friendly or amused 3 a clap of thunder a loud sound made by thunder 4 the clap slang gonorrhoea ...
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